Networked to History!
This week the Dwingelooradio Observatory tested their 25 meter dish as a SatNOGS station! Although not set up as a permanent SatNOGS station it is great to see this historic observatory linked to the network. Dwingeloo radio observatory was built between 1954 and 1956 near the village of Dwingeloo in the Netherlands. Since 2009 this single 25 meter dish has been a national heritage site.
New Station on Crete
Also this week, To Labaki Hackspace and the University of Crete have joined forces and have set up a SatNOGS station in Crete. With some support from the Libre Space Foundation, we welcome them to the network!

Weekly Meetings Re-established
This week we resumed the SatNOGS weekly update meeting on the IRC channel. There was a lot of activity and discussion with a large group of attendees. The meetings are planned for Thursdays at 18:00 UTC on the #satnogs channel @FreeNode IRC network which is also available via Keep an eye on the SatNOGS section of the Libre Space Foundation forum for agenda details. It will routinely include news, updates, status of projects and discussion of outstanding issues.
As ever, it’s inspiring to see everyone working hard not just on these stations and meetings, but all over the network. Keeping us on track and helping us democratise space the libre way.