Moving forward we would like to consolidate our communications with the broader community, especially around news for SatNOGS project. For this reason we setup a newsletter to keep everyone interested updated for our latest developments. Feel free to signup here. Our regular channels, community forum, twitter account and facebook page […]
SatNOGS is proud to participate in ESA’s Summer Of Code In Space 2015 as a mentoring organization. ESA’s Summer Of Code In Space (also known as SOCIS) is an open source development program specifically for students run by the European Space Agency Under this program. ESA funds students to write […]
As promised in a previous post about our project in FOSDEM 2o15, videos from presentations and talks during FOSDEM 2015 are now available and we are happy to share the video of our lightning talk. So, if you are interested for an introduction of the SatNOGS project don’t hesitate to […]
Having access to an awesome 3D printer is certainly crucial for the SatNOGS project but the SatNOGS hardware is much more than 3D printed parts. To push the development of the ground station forward the core development team decided to acquire an oscilloscope, a programmable power supply and a Vector […]
Since the beginning of the SatNOGS project we used 3D printed parts for our gears. To do so we mostly used a LulzBot Ao-100 3D printed donated by AlephObjects to a physical space in Athens Greece that most of the core SatNOGS teams are meeting and the home of […]
This weekend members from our core team of developers attended FOSDEM in Brussels Belgium for a scheduled lightning talk about the project. At Saturday the showcase the mobility features of the SatNOGS Ground Station they assembled one on the spot in under one hour. For more than six hours the […]
10 days ago we deployed a SatNOGS v2 on top of in Athens, Greece. This is the first SatNOGS deployed on the field and we couldn’t help but thinking that this is a huge milestone and brings great pride to the team! (obviously the front cap is closed at […]
After a nice code push, scheduling observation functionality is now complete in SatNOGS Network website. The website is now able to dynamically calculate and schedule observation windows given a satellite for all available Ground Stations. The functionality works like this: The observer enters the New Observation page. After selecting a […]
We’ve been thinking for some time that there is no need to install two separate RTL-SDR dongles to cover both VHF and UHF. It increases power consumption on WR703N without actually having any benefit, as using two dongles simultaneously is limited by the CPU power and network bandwidth. A diplexer […]
The SatNOGS Network website has had the focus in terms of development from our software team in the past week. While the major functionality (observation calculation and scheduling) is coming along nicely (thanks to libraries like python-ephem) we are also delivering other needed functionality. This time it was a public, […]