NepaliSat-1 received by Nepal SatNOGS ground station

The SatNOGS network is beginning to receive transmissions from some new satellites deployed from the International Space Station earlier this week. Amongst them it was wonderful to see our Nepali friends at Orion Space receive a signal from NepaliSat-1, Nepal’s first Satellite. The successful observation was received via their SatNOGS ground station. Orion Space use SatNOGS as a teaching tool in their programs that enable students in Nepal to have experiences of space related technologies. We are proud to be a part of their toolkit.
A Busy ARISS Week

It’s been a busy week for ARISS with June 19th seeing a contact between King Island District High School in Currie, TAS, Australia and Astronaut David St-Jacques. Then yesterday, June 20th, a contact between Rowan Preparatory School in Claygate, UK and astronaut Nick Hague.
Both ARISS contacts were observed by numerous SatNOGS ground stations and example observations can be found and listened too via these links.
King Island District High School – Astronaut David St-Jacques
Rowan Preparatory School in Claygate, UK – Astronaut Nick Hague.
LSF Team at Ham Radio Friedrickshafen

Finally a massive shout out to all the LSF crew who are attending Ham Radio Friedrichshafen. They are displaying and talking about the range of Libre Space projects including of course SatNOGS. If you are attending the event do go and chat to them and find out more about our activities and how you can get involved. They are at stand A1-562.