We are excited to share with you, the new milestone achieved by the SatNOGS network, as it has reached 6.000.000 observations!
On the 27th of May, observation #6000000 was uploaded on the SatNOGS network by station 1936 – VK4JBE-UHF, in Camp Hill, Queensland, Australia 🇦🇺. The observation was scheduled by VK4JBE, the station owner, receiving data from AAUSAT-II, a Danish CubeSat of the University of Aalborg. Although the satellite is operational, it seems to be tumbling in space, resulting in generating rather poor observations.
Achieving the astonishing 6 Millionth Observation is a Milestone that SatNOGS has reached thanks to its community. This too is the result of the collaborative work and the continuous efforts made by hundreds of ground station owners around the globe. They are the ones who have made this milestone possible, by scheduling observations, tracking satellites and in general, dedicating time and effort to the success of the SatNOGS project. So let us take a closer look at some of the astonishing statistics of the project.
SatNOGS in Numbers
The SatNOGS network counts over 265+ fully operational ground stations and 145+ in testing mode. The observations come from 810+ satellites and 1500+ transmitters having delivered over 144M data frames. As the numbers show, SatNOGS has expanded greatly and has become the biggest, global, open-source network of satellite ground stations.

Outer Space Open For all
SatNOGS, much like all Libre Space Foundation’s projects, is built to enhance scientific research, and knowledge about Space, and to enable everyone interested, to explore Space for peaceful purposes. These are all, values that are at the core of the Libre Space Manifesto and guide SatNOGS too.
Thus, the project itself is not only built and developed in a modular, open-source way but the data collected is also distributed openly. The community offers support and guidance in onboarding new members and it even helps satellite teams with their missions. Not only can the community help you communicate with your satellite but they can also guide you throughout the onboarding process. All you need to do is contact the team and provide the necessary details and information about your mission.
Want to join the SatNOGS community and be part of the next million observations?
The SatNOGS community is open and inclusive, welcoming everyone who wishes to contribute their time, knowledge and expertise to the project. If SatNOGS has sparked your interest and you want to find out more, check out the SatNOGS wiki knowledge base. You are welcome to drop us a line on the community forums and the dedicated SatNOGS chat. We would love to hear from you and have you join the SatNOGS network and community.