As outlined in project description and previous logs, a central part of our projects is what we call “SatNOGS Network”. SatNOGS Network is a web application running on a server that takes care of discovery of ground stations, registering of users, scheduling and job-detailing of observation as well as data collection and analysis once an observation is done.
After 3 straight weeks of python/django hacking and almost 100 commits, we are proud to have a working prototype of the SatNOGS Network.
The model of the application is now polished and able to handle all basic operations for Stations, Users, Observations, Satellites, Transponders, Antennas and Data.
Next in line in terms of functionality implementation is the ability to plan observations based on user provided info (satellite, transponder etc) using SGP4 in python, and also a detailed view of Observation (with data and timeline).
The main page features a map with all ground stations, details about a featured ground station and latest completed and scheduled observations.
The code can be found (follow and contribute too!) here:
A live development version of the website with demo data [WARNING ;)] can be found here: