As outlined in project description and previous logs, a central part of our projects is what we call “SatNOGS Network”. SatNOGS Network is a web application running on a server that takes care of discovery of ground stations, registering of users, scheduling and job-detailing of observation as well as data […]
Working towards v2 of the Ground Station Gear Assembly, the SatNOGS hardware team has experimented with various gear designs. All of them where designed and 3D printed from scratch focusing on ease of reproduction and excellent mechanical operation and properties. The new gear assembly (which is almost identical for both […]
SatNOGS is focused on TX operations for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites. Most satellites in those orbits transmit signals in relatively low power (compared to GSO satellites). 100mW to 2W is a typical range for LEO. Given that power output and our RX assembly (yagi + dvb dongle for reception) […]
SatNOGS as a project has been concieved as many Satellite Ground Station implementations (like the v0.1 which is ready) coupled together under a global Network that would enable anyone to utilize SatNOGS as a single platform for observations. The UX idea is simple. An observer/astronomer/maker/hacker accesses our global Network via […]
For v0.2 of our ground station we have been working on consolidation of our electronics trying to minimize size and upgrade the components. Combined with the current minimized approach for the gear assemblies, this will enable us to deliver a smaller more rigid and reliable ground station. The electronics that […]
Despite the fact that NEMA 17 stepper motors were considered our best choice, at the time of our first design some old NEMA 14, spare parts from an old Rep-Rap, where available so we stuck with them. Last week, we received our new motors and did some tests. The first […]